Prelims Cum Mains Test Series For UPSC Civil Services

Mains And Prelims Test Series

  • Guidance and Mentorship: Personal hand holding endeavor to help students for motivation & better guidance in their preparation. The mentorship will be done via telephonic conversation for online students and in-person for Offline students (Vijayawada). The Mentors have given at least 1 Interview at UPSC CSE. He/she has evaluated more than 500 answer booklets and guided hundreds of students over the years setting them in a better pedestal to guide an aspirant. A student can take up to 5 mentorship sessions for each, written & Evaluated, MAINS tests and can also clarify the queries of the corresponding integrated prelims too.
  • Time-bound & Holistic Evaluation: Evaluation of the answer booklets written on the scheduled test date will be ensured before the next test. Evaluation of the test booklets written on other than the test dates will be made available within 10 WORKING DAYS and will effectively scrutinize the flaws in your answer writing in a holistic way with our diverse parameters of scrutiny for GS, ESSAY & Ethics papers as below.
  • Rapid Discussion: This new initiative is intended to tug the students who will be in the uncharted water of the vast amount of study material available in the market or the internet, ensuring their  the next test syllabus will be taken up for all the tests of essential Round of Examination. These discussions will give an effective trajectory for your preparation to the upcoming test. These discussions will be live-streamed and the recorded videos of the same will be made available within 24-48 hours from the date of scheduled test discussion.
  • Flexibility: All the tests are flexible and can be taken up any time before the MAINS 2022
  • Questions paper discussion videos: for better clarification of demands of the question, will be live-streamed and the recorded videos of the same will be made available within 24-48 hours from the date of scheduled test discussion.
  • Synopsis: Detailed, well researched synopsis will be made available for all mains tests.

"Some Practice Improves Result"

  • Especially designed Integrated Test Series that synchronize the UPSC Syllabus of Prelims & Mains.
  • Total 94 Tests, Consisting of 45 Prelims and 49 Mains Tests.
  • Approach classes before the start of every subject to provide an overview about the subject.
  • After every Prelims Test Detailed Test Score Analysis, Ranking And Supplementary Notes
  • Test Discussion after each test of Prelims & Mains.
  • After every Mains Test Model Approach and Model Hints shall be provided.
  • Apart from Tests, Subject Wise Study Plan which will include Schema (detailed Syllabus), Self-assessment Test, Value Addition Material and Reflective Exercise
  • Copy Evaluation within 7 days
  • Doubt Clearing Session with concerned faculties after copy evaluation for marks improvement

Course Introduction

Civil Services Exam demands the aspirant to have multidimensional knowledge. It’s often mistaken that the preparation for UPSC Prelims and mains should be done separately. When we go through the UPSC Syllabus we will find that there are various topics that are overlapping in nature. In order to have a smooth preparation journey one should prepare for Mains and Prelims simultaneously. ITS(Integrated Test Series) will help candidates to integrate their Civil Services Exam preparation from the very beginning and this module is based on assessment-based learning which will ensure that your learning gives you due outcome in the UPSC Examination.

In this module, we will provide you a weekly study plan to channelize your resource and energy in a targeted manner. The weekly study plan will include the sources to be covered for any particular subject, it will also have a list of score maximizing topics so that you don’t have to take extra pain to discover those areas. Along with the study plan, we will also provide you with some self-assessment tests and some reflective exercises to help you know how comfortable you are with a particular subject. Follow the study plan and the schedule religiously to gain maximum out of your efforts and this plan.